Saturday, June 27, 2015

The "Bright Side" of Staph Infection: Personal Reflection

I never thought I could "find the bright side" of missing about 3 unpaid weeks of work due to a staph infection but on my third day back, I did. Here is my "bright side" of things to share with you all today. 

So, I went back to work after about three weeks off due to illness and have realized that, although hurting financially, having that time off was actually really good for me in a few ways. Mostly, having that time off helped me see that my current line of work is holding me back. A traditional nine to five type of job at a company where creative expression or independent thought of any kind is not encouraged or welcomed, and, conversely is likely to have an extremely negative after effect, is not the right setting for me. I’m not a sheep. I don’t blindly follow orders or procedures that either make no sense or are just down right morally reprehensible. My new mission in life is to find a way to sustain us financially while also allowing me the freedom to contribute in a meaningful way. When we are suffocated for at least 40 hours a week, who has the time or energy to be an advocate for social change? Most people don’t and that is exactly why the system is designed the way it is. Keep us tired. Keep us hopeless. Make us feel powerless. Well, guess what? We aren’t. Little by little, we each can make changes to our lives and routines that, when added together, send a message loud and clear. This system doesn’t work for We The People. This system works for the 1%, the oligarchs, the elites, the greedy and corrupt. 1% can’t rule forever if the 99% refuse to let them anymore. 

“But I’m powerless. What can I do? I’m just one person? ” Those are some thoughts that may run through your head. Here are a few suggestions. 

1. But from local, independently owned businesses AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. 

2. Don’t be a constant consumer. If you don’t need it to survive, don’t buy it. 

3. Support locally grown produce and food products. 

4. Use less energy. If your destination is close, walk or ride a bike. Leave the car at home. 

5. Don’t throw things out that can be rescued. Recycle. Share. Donate. 

6. Turn off the lights if your not in the room. 

7. Don’t shop at Walmart. Ever. 

Those are just the first few things that come to mind. 

Unequality is rife and the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. Stop buying into the system. Literally. 

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